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Case Studies

Solved in 20 minutes

A PHOTONICS client in Southeast Asia faced missed shipments during a ramp because of a months-long tool down scenario.

    TechSovereign was brought in by the tool vendor to get the issues closed.

    Within five hours of landing in the country, our expert had diagnosed one of the two crucial issues. By the afternoon of the second day, he had diagnosed the second.

    Within the next five days, we demonstrated both corrective actions, implemented thorough contingencies to allow ramp preparations to proceed, and even provided CFD modeling of around the effects of changes to ensure implementation would work on the first try.

    TechSovereign Partners' focus, experience, skills in troubleshooting, and broad solutions offerings prevented potential losses of millions of dollars.

Potent Expertise

A MEMS FOUNDRY in Europe grappled with a wet etch issue for weeks.

    TechSovereign was introduced to the module manager through a common acquaintance.

    In the first call, even before arranging an agreement, we completely diagnosed the issue, and defined a minor plumbing fix to fundamentally resolve it.

    Prior to this, the plan involved a major upgrade to not only the plumbing but the controls hardware too.

    TechSovereign Partners ended weeks of downtime and prevented a costly upgrade which would have added complexity and, likely, not have fully solved the issue.

Instant Impact

AN RF AND POWER DEVICE MAKER in North America was experiencing a difference in performance between tools from different vendors which were meant to run the same process. The tight specifications of their automotive customer threatened to impair delivery on their contract.

    We engaged in a daily, 8:00 am call to fundamentally diagnose the core issue. One additional challenge is that the solution could not trigger a full requalification or else the schedule would be firmly missed.

    Additionally, one of the two tool vendors refused to provide any information of any kind. Likewise, the manufacturer of the process chemistry offered essentially no help or input.

    Nevertheless, we fundamentally identified the root cause by pursuing the mechanisms at play, which turned out to involve complexities of electrochemistry that even the chemistry vendor had not identified. 

    Not only did we resolve the difference in performance, we identified a roadmap to improve the performance of both tools.

"TechSovereign not only solved the technical problem but was able to turn a situation with an agitated customer into a working partnership."

"Having the ability to hire technical experts for specific needs has allowed us to expedite solutions without having to bog down our full-time engineers."

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